ApinSoft PDF to EXE Converter

ApinSoft PDF to EXE Converter is an application that will help you convert PDF file to self-running EXE file. The EXE file can be copied to any computer and will run on Windows XP, 2003 Server ,Vista, Win 7, without requiring any other applications installed.

Advanced Features of ApinSoft PDF to EXE Converter

ApinSoft PDF to EXE Converter output PDF exe does not require any Adobe Acrobat programs or other application installed on your end users computer. it is a stand alone self-running EXE file.

ApinSoft PDF to EXE Converter can help you generate Personalized output exe file. For example you can set private icon images for output exe file and configure your picture images before or after playing the PDF. The image support not only JPG, BMP,EMF but also PNG and GIF file, so, you can make your own irregular or animated welcome interface.

ApinSoft PDF to EXE Converter encrypt the original PDF file, the output EXE files get the PDF data through memory stream, so your users cannot get it in his/her computer hard disk, This feature will strongly protect your PDF, it can prevent users from getting the original PDF file.

ApinSoft PDF to EXE Converter output EXE support external or internal links. support file link and website link.

ApinSoft PDF to EXE Converter output EXE support PDF outline.

You can add additional files which linked in pdf. When your end users mouse click the link, the additional file will open. Please note: the additional files link must be in relative directory.

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